North Korea:A Background

Let me paint you a picture.Imagine a world where you have no rights.Where you regard a single person as your saviour almost as if he is a god but that doesn’t affect you because that’s just the way it has been since you were born.Your life is difficult and you can hardly have a proper meal forget about 3 meals a day.Congratulations you have just made your way into North Korea.What the question is how do they manage to keep a population of more than 20 million people under their control when everything they do is against the interest of the common people.The answer is propaganda.

Political Map of North Korea

The country does have a free media according to its constitution but you are safe only as long as you praise the KIM dictators.It is very difficult for foreign media to show North Korea too as they do not easily get permission to come and ask around as they wish and when they do manage to get there their interaction with people are closely monitored.Even tourist visits to North Korea are carefully planned so that we see only what they want us to see.

As Yeonmi Park has rightly said,”how can people fight to be freed if they don’t know they have been enslaved”.People in North Korea genuinely believe that they belong to the best and richest country in the world and even though they face difficulties other countries must have it worse.When people defect to China for most of them it is not about freedom but for getting enough food.

Kim Il-sung - Wikipedia
Kim Il Sung-The First leader of the Kim Dynasty

When the country suffered by a famine on the 1990s the government managed to do nothing to help its people.When the US offered to provide electric power to North Korea in return for them to drop their nuclear plans the government chose the nuclear weapons.North Korea has a straightforward solution to solving famines.Letting so many people die such that population for which the food is to be produced decreases.

Over the course of the next few posts I would try to highlight what really goes on in this dark piece of land between South Korea and China.Stay tuned we have a really interesting journey together.

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